The concept of the Xingfu Village Pan-Museum in China was created in a consortium with the Chinese bureau DA! as part of an international competition.

Public architecture
Year of design
:3000 m2
About project:
The project took the first place out of 377 teams that submitted 131 applications for consideration. The museum is located in Sichuan province near the historic village of Xingfu, founded more than a thousand years ago and recognized as one of the most beautiful and tourist-friendly places in China. The village and nature around with rare tree species have survived to this day almost in its original form. Working with the Chinese bureau has allowed us to bring to the project the authenticity of Chinese culture and a deep understanding of values of the country and its nation.

Project team
- Amir Idiatulin
- Maxim Chirkin
- Vitaly Verbitsky
- Sergey Shishkin
- Alexandra Kolyadina
- IND:
- Vitaliy Verbitskiy
- Maxim Chirkin
- Aleksandra Kolyadina
- Sergey Shishkin
- DA! architects:
- Anna Andronova
- Sun Lidong
Project details
- Concept
- 2020
- Xingfu
- 3000 m2